Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Second Robot

I use this robot during my second years I'm in robotic club. This robot is the next generation of RCX Lego Mindstrom. This robot is known as NXT Lego Mindstrom. What makes me happy is my teacher give the responsibility to handle this robot to my group because my team is the most excellent group in our school compare to others team.

The main component in this kit was a brick-shaped computer called the NXT brick. It can take input from up to four sensors and control up to three motors, via RJ12 cables, very similar to but incompatible with RJ11 phone cords. The brick has a 100x64 pixel monochrome LCD display and four buttons that can be used to navigate a user interface using hierarchical menus. It also had a speaker and can play sound files at sampling rates up to 8 kHz. Power is supplied by 6 AA (1.5 V each) batteries in the consumer version of the kit and by a Li-Ion rechargeable battery and charger in the educational version.

What make me surprise about this robot wear I can make very simple programs using the menu on the NXT. More complicated programs and sound files can be downloaded using a USB port or wirelessly using Bluetooth. Files can also be copied between two NXT bricks wirelessly, and some mobile phones can be used as a remote control. Very advance compare to RCX. But unfortunatly I enter a competion where in my category there are no NXT.

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